- February 22, 2023
- Posted by: Layo Obidike
- Category: Personal Finance

I have a strong desire to create wealth, and I believe that many others share this desire as well. Let’s face it, money is a significant tool needed to design the life we desire.
While there may be a few individuals who prefer poverty or who have religious or ideological reasons for avoiding wealth, I think it’s safe to say that most people would like to have an abundance of valuable possessions or money for their various needs and aspirations. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or you’re a seasoned professional, there is always room for improvement when it comes to your financial health.
It’s important to acknowledge that money can provide solutions to many problems, as it can provide access to resources and opportunities that can improve your life. However, it’s also important to recognize that money alone cannot guarantee happiness, fulfilment, or meaning. While wealth can certainly make life easier and more comfortable, it is not a cure-all for life’s challenges and struggles. Nonetheless, I believe that by improving our financial situation, we can create a more secure and stable foundation for ourselves and our loved ones..
The behaviours required to strengthen our financial health can also benefit us in living a fulfilling life. The pursuit of wealth necessitates a specific way of living, one that involves a commitment to personal development, continuous learning, and self-education, among other things. Through this process, we develop crucial virtues like self-discipline, organisation, and forward-thinking, which expand our horizons and foster personal growth.
Here are six tips that will help you build wealth in the long-term.
- Set Financial Goals and create a budget.
“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” – Dave Ramsey
To effectively manage your finances, it’s important to begin by establishing clear and realistic financial objectives. I recall a conversation with a friend who had identified the specific amount of money he required to never have to work again, a tangible goal to work towards. Defining your own financial aspirations in terms of specific figures, whether that be millions or thousands, provides a concrete target for you to aim for. This can facilitate the creation of a well-structured plan to reach your financial objectives.
“Budgeting is not just for people who have a little bit of money left over at the end of the month. It’s for everyone who wants to make sure they have enough money for the things that matter most.” Jean Chatzky
After setting your financial objectives,you can then create a budget that aligns with your plan, and allows for a lifestyle that is consistent with your financial goals. I must admit, personally, although I have a passion for writing and journaling, the practice of consistently planning and tracking my spending has not been easy. I am still developing this habit on a daily basis.
It can be tempting to rely on mental notes, but it’s crucial to put your budget in writing, whether it be on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. In addition to keeping your spending in check and enabling you to track your expenses, budgeting can help you establish a positive and responsible relationship with money. Writing down your budget is an excellent way to gain clarity and perspective on your financial priorities.
After establishing your budget, you are clear on your goals, you should set a savings target and devise a plan to achieve it. This could involve saving for a range of items, such as a down payment on a house, a new car, or a much-needed vacation. Having a clear and specific goal in mind can help keep you focused and driven as you work towards accumulating the necessary funds.
2. Live Within Your Means.
“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
What I have come to understand is the strategic importance of spending within our means. In most cases, people are not poor because they earn too little, but rather because they spend too much.Living within your means is an essential component of financial success.
There are those who earn a substantial amount of money, but fail to save or invest and remain in a cycle of debt. On the other hand, some individuals earn less than the former group but have been able to accumulate assets instead of liabilities.
As Dave Ramsey pointed out, “Living within your means is not a sacrifice, it’s a strategy.” This strategy involves spending less than what you earn in order to build wealth over time. It’s crucial to avoid unnecessary debt unless you have the ability to leverage it to generate additional income. It’s also important to prioritise needs over wants, be honest with yourself about your financial capacity, and resist the urge to keep up with others’ spending habits. I think you would agree with me that achieving financial stability is more important than impressing others with material possessions.
The notion that human needs are insatiable implies that our desire for satisfaction, pleasure, and fulfilment is a never-ending cycle that cannot be fulfilled no matter how much we achieve. However, it’s important to keep our desires in check to avoid falling into this endless cycle of wanting more.
Finding a balance between fulfilling our desires and being content with what we have is crucial. It’s important to remember that spending beyond our means can lead to financial instability and that living within our means is liberating.
Spending wisely is not an indication of poverty. In fact, wealthy individuals often exercise restraint in their spending habits. It’s essential to be mindful of our spending and to avoid spending money that we have not earned.Budget and stick with your budget as much as possible. Whenever you experience the impulse to buy something on a whim, delay the purchase for a day or two. This will allow you to assess whether the purchase is genuinely indispensable. Before giving in to impulse buying, think about what else you could do with the money. This will aid in prioritising your expenses and steering clear of remorseful purchases.
- Pay Yourself First
“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” – Warren Buffet
At some point, you may have made a resolution to improve your financial situation, perhaps at the start of a new year or month. While many people want to increase their wealth, they often struggle to save due to spending all their income and waiting for a better time to save. However, it is possible to prioritise saving by setting clear savings goals and making a plan to achieve them.
One effective strategy for prioritising saving is to “pay yourself first,” which involves setting aside a portion of your income for savings before paying bills or spending on discretionary expenses. A good starting point is to aim to save at least 10% of your income and gradually increase that amount as your income grows. Automating your savings by setting up direct deposit or automatic transfers to a savings account can also make the process easier and more consistent.
While saving alone may not be enough to dramatically increase your wealth, it is an important step in the right direction. By cultivating the discipline to consistently save and build up a reserve of financial resources, you are laying the foundation for future financial growth and security.
Many people remain poor because they lack the discipline to save, invest, and multiply their money. They lack the patience to stick to one course of action until they succeed, and they lack the diligence to resist the temptation to spend money on things they don’t need just to impress others.
Being a successful person is not just a title, but a responsibility that requires financial responsibility. You must be financially responsible in the morning, afternoon, and night by taking great risks, planning, strategizing, valuing profit over wages, staying focused, and being determined. True success requires discipline, diligence, determination, delayed gratification, consistency, competence, and most importantly, financial intelligence and emotional intelligence.
Retiring without enough savings is a common problem that affects people from all walks of life, regardless of their profession or intelligence. Even the most hardworking and high-earning individuals can fall victim to financial instability in their retirement years if they fail to prioritise saving and investing.
This is why it is important to have a plan and manage personal finances wisely. A good financial plan includes budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt. By making smart financial decisions and consistently setting aside money for the future, one can build a solid financial foundation that will help them achieve their long-term goals and retire with financial security.
Remember, it’s never too early or too late to start taking control of your personal finances. With discipline, dedication, and a solid plan, anyone can achieve financial stability and enjoy a secure retirement.
It begins with your discipline to spend less and save!
- Invest
“We must invest continuously, and incessantly”. Strive Masiyiwa
Interested in building wealth? It all starts with saving, which allows you to make investments. Once you’re ready, you can learn how to use OPM (Other People’s Money) for your investments, which can help you grow your wealth even more. So, start by prioritising saving and then move on to strategic investment strategies like OPM to increase your chances of financial success.
I implore you to refrain from spending all the money in your wallet. I know it’s easier said than done, but becoming wealthy is not a simple task, otherwise, everyone would be a billionaire.
“It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” – Robert Kiyosaki
Wealth must be deliberately created, and it requires conscious effort.We can’t just pray to become wealthy, but we can take action towards it. I encourage you to take some time to meditate on how you can become wealthy, including ways to increase your finances. You will find that INVESTMENT is key to multiplying your finances. Two essential habits you must master to become wealthy are saving and investing. These are the key bullet points to remember.
Investing is central to building long-term wealth. Consider investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other assets. If you’re new to investing, consider working with a financial advisor who can help you develop a personalised investment plan. Keep in mind that investing carries risks, which is why it’s crucial to diversify your portfolio to reduce your exposure to potential losses.
It’s crucial to be well-informed about investing and avoid treating it like gambling. Don’t go into investment, taking reckless “risks” in the hope of making a quick profit – take a strategic and educated approach to investing to maximise your chances of success.
“Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No.1.” – Warren Buffett
- Have Financial Protection in place.
“Insurance is not about predicting the future, but about protecting the future you predict.” – Dave Ingram
The world is full of risks. Living daily is a risk, we cannot predict with certainty what the future holds. We need to understand the efficacy of financial risk management to protect our finances.
Financial risk management refers to the process of identifying, analysing, and either accepting or mitigating uncertainty in investment decisions. Investors or fund managers assess the potential for losses in an investment and take appropriate action given the investment objectives and risk tolerance of the fund.
Since risk is inherently tied to return, a thorough understanding of risk can help investors weigh the opportunities, trade-offs, and costs of different investment strategies.
Protecting your finances is just as important as growing them. It is advisable that you have adequate insurance coverage for your life, family, home, car, and health. Consider disability insurance to protect your income in the event of an accident or illness. Consider working with an independent insurance agent:
Understand your policy: Make sure you understand what your insurance policy covers, the limits of your coverage, and any exclusions or deductibles.An independent agent can help you navigate the complex world of insurance and find the best coverage for your needs.Stay informed: Keep up with news and changes in the insurance industry to stay informed about new products, regulations, and trends that may affect your coverage.
Create an estate plan to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away
“Insurance is a necessary evil. We all need it, but we all hate paying for it.” – Dan Solin
- Practice gratitude.
“You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.” – Dave Ramsey
It is not advisable to spend excessive amounts of money solely for the purpose of seeking emotional relief.
Numerous individuals have linked their sense of self-worth to their capacity to acquire material possessions. They only feel content when they indulge in spending extravagantly. However, money cannot provide a sense of value to oneself if it has not already been discovered.
An effective approach to finding self-worth is through the practice of gratitude. The reward of being grateful is inexplicably rejuvenating, offering a unique sense of fulfilment that cannot be found through material possessions.
“The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now.” – Oprah Winfrey
Undeniably, for many people, spending money can result in emotional relief and contentment. This is due to the association between the act of spending and the satisfaction of wants and needs, which can lead to a sense of pleasure, fulfilment, and even a fleeting surge of happiness.
Buying a new piece of clothing or the latest gadget can elicit a sensation of eagerness and excitement, while giving a present to another individual can create a sense of joy and satisfaction from bringing happiness to someone else. And these are not bad, in themselves. We have to care for ourselves, we have to spend money, it’s a beautiful thing to share what we have with others.
It is crucial to recognize that the emotional release and gratification experienced through spending money can result in overspending and financial difficulties if left unchecked. It is vital to maintain a balance between the desire for emotional fulfilment and responsible financial management, such as budgeting, to ensure that we are spending within our financial capabilities and not placing ourselves in a precarious financial position.
The human brain has a natural inclination towards novelty. We tend to experience positive emotions when we encounter something new and exciting, unfortunately, this feeling of novelty is often short-lived. What was once new and exciting quickly becomes ordinary and loses its appeal.
To counteract this, practising gratitude can help to maintain a positive mindset and promote feelings of happiness and contentment. When we focus on the things we are grateful for, our brain releases dopamine, which is associated with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. By cultivating a sense of gratitude, we can train our minds to find joy in the everyday moments of life, rather than constantly seeking out new and novel experiences.
So, instead of chasing the fleeting high of novelty, let’s focus on cultivating gratitude in our lives and getting high on the positivity it brings.
In a world that often prioritises greed, it can be challenging to maintain a sense of contentment and gratitude. Society has conditioned us to believe that acquiring more possessions and wealth will lead to happiness. While it’s natural to have aspirations for a better quality of life, we must learn to distinguish between healthy desires and excessive greed.
Expressing gratitude for what we have is crucial. Failure to differentiate between the two can result in losing control over our insatiable desires. We must strive to improve our lives without infringing on others’ rights or wellbeing. In my view, gratitude plays an essential role in developing a healthy perspective. It begins with our thoughts, as an African proverb says, “If you think positively, you will develop a grateful mindset.”
If you are working towards achieving your dreams, such as owning a dream house, buying a dream car, or finding your ideal partner, it’s important to take a moment to appreciate the things you already have. It’s okay to have healthy desires, but it’s crucial not to take shortcuts or harm others in the pursuit of those desires. Gratitude is a vital ingredient for a fulfilling life, but it doesn’t mean you should become complacent or lose your drive for forward-looking thinking.
Take a pause and relish in the progress you’ve made. Gratitude can help you recognize how far you’ve come, and it’s essential for maintaining strength on your journey. Don’t allow your tank of gratitude to run dry.
Be grateful for what you already have and work hard to achieve your goals, but keep in mind that your desires may change over time. Remember that having more possessions or wealth won’t necessarily make you happier. The more you practise gratitude, the happier you’ll become.
“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” – Amy Collette
Achieving financial security and freedom requires discipline, dedication, and a long-term mindset. It involves setting clear goals, living within your means, prioritising saving, investing for the future,safeguarding your finances and practising gratitude.
By taking consistent small steps over time, significant progress can be made, and financial success is attainable for those willing to put in the necessary effort.